Wednesday, Sept. 28
Light Candles at: 6:27pm
Evening Services: 6:30 pm   
followed by the traditional
apple dipped in honey.
Gourmet Holiday Dinner: 7:00 P.M.
RSVP required.
Thurday, Sept. 29
Morning Services: 10:00 am
Shofar Sounding:11:30 am
Tashlich Service: 6:00 pm
at Davidson Mill Pond  
Evening Services: 7:00 pm
Light Candles* after: 7:25 pm  
Friday, Sept. 30
Morning Services: 10:00 am
Shofar Sounding: 11:30 am 
Light Candles* before 6:24 pm
Shabbat Shuva
Shabbat, October 1
Morning Services: 10:00 am
Shabbbat Ends: 7:22 pm 

YOM KIPPUR at the Hilton of East Brunswick---------------------------------  
Friday, Oct. 7
Kaparot at 5:00 am
Light Candles at: 6:13 pm
Fast Begins at: 6:31 pm
Kol Nidrei Services: 6:30 pm  
Saturday, Oct. 8
Morning Services: 10:00 am
Yizkor Memorial Service: 11:30 am 
Afternoon Service: 5:15 pm
Neilah Services: 6:00 pm
Fast Ends at: 7:10 pm
Followed by a Break the Fast Buffet

Wednesday, Oct. 12

Light Candles at: 6:05 pm  
Thursday, Oct. 13

Morning Services: 10:00 am 
Light Candles* after: 7:02 pm  
Friday, Oct. 14

Morning Services: 10:00 am
Light Candles* before 6:02 pm

Saturday, Sept. 25 

Morning Services: 10 am

Shabbat ends 6:59pm 

Wednesday, Oct. 19  
Light Candles at: 5:54 pm  
Thursday, Oct. 20

Morning Services: 10:00 am
Yizkor Services: 11:00 am
Evening Services: 7:00 pm
Followed by Kiddush & Hakafot
Light Candles* after: 6:52 pm 

Friday, October 21

Morning Services: 10:00 am
Followed by Kiddush & Hakafot @ 11 am
Light Candles* before 5:51 PM

Saturday, October 22

Morning Services: 10 AM

Shabbat Ends at 6:50 PM 

Should you have any questions or require additional information not posted on our website, please email us - it will be our pleasure to assist you!




* Light only from a pre-existing flame.