High Holidays with Chabad

Online Reservations
Your Info
First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Seat Reservations
Amount Adult Attendees
Amount of Children Attendees
Adult Name 1
Child Name 1
Adult Name 2
Child Name 2
Adult Name 3
Child Name 3
Adult Name 4
Child Name 4
Adult Name 5
Child Name 5
Adult Name 6
Child Name 6
High Holiday Services I plan to attend
Please check all that apply.
Rosh Hashanah Eve. September 13 Rosh Hashanah Day 1
September 14
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 September 15 Yom Kippur
September 22-23
Payment Info
Help Chabad bring more light to the community with your generous contribution.
Card Number
CVV Code
Total Amount to Charge Card